
Most importantly I would like to thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, for paying a debt that I could not pay and changing my life forever.

I also want to thank my wife and kids for letting me be passionate in the things that I love to do.

Thank you to the faithful believers that invested their time discipling my wife and I when we were new in the faith. We are grateful for your unwavering faith, love and steadfast Christian walk.

Many thanks to all of you who have allowed me an opportunity to be a part of your recording endeavor. I pray that I had a positive impact on it and that I was a blessing to you!

Last, but certainly not least! A very special thanks to Chris Hare at PreSonus for talking me into trying Studio One and all the cool gear that PreSonus has to offer. You were right when you said "Studio One blows Pro Tools away". I love it!